Thursday, August 9, 2007

Trek Tour

Saw this one out there in blogville:

Trek flew me out to their facility for a job interview a long time ago - didn't get the job, but I did meet some nice folks while there and got a tour that was pretty similar to the one described.

I flew into Madison, WI and made the drive out to Waterloo on that trip - pretty cool area even though I was there during the winter and it was a wee-bit cold!

I've crossed paths with some of the engineers and reps of the Trek crew over the years at various wind tunnels (most recently at - Scott, Mark, Brad, and Damon: keep up the good work and I hope you're keeping it fun and the chins up even though the disco boyz have pulled the plug!

Oooh, I wonder if I can get 13-15 cm behind the BB on one of those new Trek TT frames?!

That'd be sweet.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ok, Which one of you Cervelo Worshipper's Wrote this Letter to Abby?

This Blog has some pretty consistently "out there" commentary, and this one is par for the course:

That link is rated pg-13, BTW - though, it might be worse than that since I'm not a member of the MPAA or anything and I don't have kids...

Though, now that I think about it... I have watched the first two episodes of "the power of ten" on TV the last two nights and got a few questions exactly right, so, yeah, I pretty much have my finger on the pulse of popular "uhmerikuhn" opinion... ;-)


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