Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Horses (and Baseball Players) More Important Than Cyclists?

where were the congressional hearings about cycling in the 80's and 90's, or even today?

The Clemens and Bonds thing was interesting... Now, horses have the limelight in the USA?

Wow. I'm under-impressed -> further confirmation that cycling is a fringe deal here in the states. I won't complain about the fringe thing, cuz, in general, I like that, but man, I thought cycling was at least a quarter notch above horse racing. y'know, cuz the athletes are homo sapiens and all!!! ;-)

Then again, homo-sapiens have a choice about what they do to themselves, whereas, horses don't, I reckon. Now that I think about it, crap, yeah, congress, give those horse trainer doodz hell!

Then, when you are done with that, go after the crappy bike guys.



Blogger Kristin said...

You said it, brother! I couldn't agree with you more. Give the horse trainers HELL and then go after every other doper in the sporting world.

One of my biggest pet peeves (so to speak) is horse racing, dog racing, animal fighting, or anything else they're being forced to do that they wouldn't normally choose to do.

These animals aren't choosing for themselves. They're being forced upon by stupid humans. I get really bugged about that.

As for people, they can and will do stupid things to themselves every day, which is fine with me.

But they have no business doing it dishonestly with drugs, and then presenting themselves as honest, clean athletes and THEN expecting their fans to spend their time and money watching them.

I can speak for only myself when I say that I LOVE watching the Tour de France, but my enthusiasm is strictly for entertainment value.

Because I know that after it's all said and done, numerous riders will be fingered for doping, and the accusations will be true and I'll be disappointed again. And the person I like the least is always the leader, because that's usually the guy(s) who's dirty.

Sad but true.

I look forward to the day when bicyclists, baseball players, everybody will just complete clean.
Do you think that'll ever happen??

June 11, 2008 11:00 PM  

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