Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Iliac Artery and Bike Racers

Some recent stuff in the news about iliac arteries and bike racing:

which is undoubtedly a result of the tragic death of Ryan Cox:

Some of you BTR regulars might have read this one in the past:

which describes Kirk's experience with the ol' iliac artery.

Personally, I had a bit of scare earlier this year when I started experiencing some leg pain/numbness - thanks to my brother's experience, I was aware of the whole iliac artery/leg pain/numbness/cycling connection - I mentioned the family history to my doc and got a doppler/ultrasound scan approved by my HMO.

They didn't find anything with the test (which was painless and took less than 45 minutes), but I reckon it's better safe than sorry on something like this, eh?

If you are experiencing something like this with one/both of your legs when the supercomputer doesn't think the sensation is appropriate for the effort, have a chat with your doc.

Anybody else out there have an experience they'd like to share regarding the topic?

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