Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Air and Space Museum Hall of Fame

Had a pretty cool day last saturday. Selene and I had the opportunity for the second year in a row to attend a gala that inducted some truly amazing folks into the Museum's International hall of fame:

The museum had this cool exhibit that we got to walk through - I reckon Kirk would have been a wee bit jealous, because the exhibit was all about Star Trek. We got to sit in Captain Kirk's chair:

and then I got a little silly - I'm not sure what I was doing in the pic below, but I reckon that's the "captain" pose! LOL!

The rest of the evening was totally cool - it was a little emotional for me, actually. The chance to reflect on what these folks have done, on a human level, was pretty darn inspiring.

I mean, think of what Scott Carpenter (one of the inductees), and the original mercury 7 did. They basically strapped themselves on top of a bomb, and in so doing basically said to his team "I trust you" with my life. Wow.

That's some courage. And a sense of team.

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Blogger Wade said...

Love the Capt Kirk pose. Of course as I write this I'm forgetting the name - but Discovery Channel (I think) had a mini-series about the space program. I watch every episode. It was great. Like you described, sit in this tin can with a bomb underneath and we'll get you into space... Sign me up!

October 30, 2008 6:28 AM  
Blogger kraig said...


Great to hear from you!

This might be the series you were thinking of:

linky-link to disco.com

You piqued my curiosity, so I did some diggin' and that's what came up - I'll have to see if I can catch it on the tube!

October 30, 2008 9:31 PM  
Blogger Wade said...

That's the one. Very good stuff. Lots of "never before seen" footage and present day interviews with the astronauts and mission control guys...

October 31, 2008 5:56 AM  

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