Sunday, August 3, 2008

Can I ever go back?

So, last weekend, my 10-ish year old panasonic 27" CRT tv died (does that seem like a short life for a TV to anybody else)...

Now, I don't watch as much tv as I used to - crap, back in my youth, I can remember coming home from school and watching loads and loads of TV - it might start with the Phil Donaghue show, or Star Blazers, battlestar gallactica, and end with the Late Show with David Letterman...

whoa, that's a fair bit of tv, eh? d'oh!!!

So, I didn't do much research on the new TV I purchased last weekend... My approach was pretty much, "let's go to Costco and buy a tv...". so, we went to costco, looked at some tv's and plunked down too much cash for the lcd vizio we are the owners of now.

I dig NASCAR, a sport I grew to love during my years in Virginia...

I am currently watching my first NASCAR race on ESPNHD (racing at pocono, nonetheless!) - yeah, that'd be the special HD TV flavor of ESPN. It's pretty crazy to flip back and forth between ESPN and ESPNHD -> there's not really a comparison in terms of picture quality. I wonder if they do that on purpose? y'know, to limit "buyer's remorse" and whatnot...

but really, the feeling I have now is kind of like the feeling I had when I made the leap from a dialup internet connection to a cable modem...

y'know, "can I ever go back?"

Nah, I don't think it is possible -> NASCAR on the HD format is pretty awesome! :-)

With 15 to go, I say "go mark martin" you and your "steak-umm" chevrolet will fit in quite well with my fond memories of years past -> y'know, phil donaghue, star blazers, battlestar gallactica, and whatnot!

mmmmm, steak-ummm sandwiches and "kudos" brand granolo bars rock! :-)

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Blogger Kristin said...

Stop it! You're making me seriously crave some fried Spam.

Congrats on the new HD TV! We also acquired one of those in Portland, and it really is a different world.

And then there's the 94" Blue Ray theater system I fell in love with at Sony. Now THAT's tv at it's finest.

August 3, 2008 5:28 PM  

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