Friday, March 13, 2009

Frame and Rider Aerodynamic Interaction

There was a thread over on the BTR forum a couple weeks ago that sparked my memory of a data set on the topic of frame and rider interaction.

So, I did a little internets digging, and finally found an online source of what I remember seeing.

(you might have to be signed in to google to access that link above, but check out page 34 and 35 if you'd like to verify for yourself)

In the mid 80's and early 90's, it seems, Chester Kyle did some tunnel tests at a couple different venues that looked at bike and bike+rider test runs. I think the idea was to gain insight into whether or not the floppy human pedaling on the bike made certain frames perform better or worse than when evaluated solo. There's not much background on the numbers I dug up out of the book entitled "High Tech Cycling" by Burke, so this could be a dog's breakfast published data set so to speak...

...but anyway, I made this plot based on what is publicly available:

so, what does everyone think is the frame(s) that, according to this data, are the least likely to exhibit appreciable frame/rider interaction?

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