Saturday, March 24, 2007

Mt Palomar "Test"

I usually climb part way up Palomar a couple - three times a year. Last time I did it was in July of 2006. I was 74.5 kg's or so, and managed to make it 13 km's up the hill from the store (for you locals) in around 52 minutes while making 275 watts.

Today, I made it 13km's in around 47 minutes on 278 watts, while tipping the scales at about 68.5 kg's. Yeah, being skinnier helps when going uphill, eh? Who'd a thunk it!? :-)

As a side note, this makes my ~20MP to 60MP ratio to currently be around 1.10 plus. Interesting since I have put a lot more effort (especially during last fall) into doing lots of tempo work to burn KJ's... You know, it's pretty important to get a handle on the whole KJ's in, KJ's out thing when trying to lose mass! :-)

As far as Palomar goes, pretty much every time I climb this hill for a duration of around an hour since "really" using a power meter to train, I wind up being at 275W +/- 5W no matter what time of year or training focus. That's pretty crazy consistent, eh?

ooooh, that's an UGLY mug! :-)


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